It’s strange how times change. Once upon a time, a foreign holiday was the preserve of the very rich, then package holidays transformed everything making overseas holidays affordable to a mass market. These days it’s becoming increasingly popular to holiday at home in the UK.
The ‘staycation’ makes sense for so many reasons:
- great value – shop wisely and you’ll find great deals on UK eco holidays for a recession-busting trip
- kinder on the environment – stay local and avoid harmful air travel; travel by train or coach and reduce your carbon footprint even more
- less hassle, especially for families – cut out airport queues, cramped plane seating and tiresome transfers
- get to know all the incredible places closer to home – including 14 National Parks and 25 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the UK’s incredible culture and scenery are just waiting to be rediscovered
Top tips for a winning UK eco holiday
One of the big attractions of a UK Eco holiday, apart from the convenience, is that it’s a great green way to travel. A quarter of the UK’s CO2 emissions are from transport and much of this is from leisure trips. Taking holidays closer to home in the UK will go a long way in reducing your carbon footprint. Read our top tips for winning UK eco holidays:
- travel by train or coach – as well as reducing your carbon footprint you’ll find it more social and comfortable than flying. You also get to see some stunning British landscape travelling by train
- choose accommodation with an enlightened environmental policy and that uses local goods and services
- shop at locally owned businesses and buy local produce – the UK has some fantastic regional specialities to savour
- be eco-conscious with your energy use – just because someone else is picking up the electricity tab, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t switch off unused lights and unnecessary appliances, just like at home
- if you do take the car, drive in an eco-friendly way, accelerating gently, avoiding sharp breaking and checking your tyre pressure before you leave – it’ll save you money too
- take fewer longer holidays, rather than lots of short ones, to reduce your overall travel carbon footprint
- don’t spoil what you’re visiting – take home litter, learn the countryside code and stick to designated footpaths to reduce erosion